Wen Taichi

Unity Game Developer

Wen Taichi | Unity Game Developer

Professional Projects

Over Kill

Online Multiplayer Shooting Game
  • Developed gameplay in Java game server.
  • Implemented 3D space and simple collision detection.
  • Implemented scene data translation from Unity to Java server.
  • Implemented scene rendering with LWJGL for server debugging.
  • Handled pathfinding with recast4j.
  • Rewrote our AI system from C# into Java.

Zombie Jail 1/2 & City Hero

LAN Multiplayer Shooting Game
  • Developed LAN multiplayer features with UNET.
  • Implemented gameplay process with NodeCanvas.


  • Apex System: Our network message system, used by our each arcade game (over 8).
  • Excel Data Exporter: Common tool. Developed with WPF.
  • Asset Manager: Common tool. Everybody needs an asset manager to handle AssetBundles in those days.
  • Jenkins: Use Jenkins to one-click build and deploy to QA environment.